gettin rid of the nasty shit.
We see these ads on the tube from all these christian, b'nai brith and countless other groups who want your money to help people in Africa.
Here's something that bugs me. Why is it better to feed and clothe someone standing in a bucket of shit when your first step should be to get them out of the shit they're standing in?
more to come....
Cheaters and liars. What to do...
Anyway, you can see my post there about this and you see I getting pretty long winded about it (personally hit a nerve) and I want to know what people think about this in a more in-depth manner.
Just in case you're not into site-hopping here's my actual post from the comments section
"doing my 1st year of postgrad way-back-when I was appalled at the presence of a student I KNEW to be a rich, lay, stupid and arrogant bastard. He had paid for every essay, every lab and I sincerely doubt he was beyond a middle- high school mentality. This person was never punished, censured or even spoken to harshly for his performance and yet, 2 years later he got the same damn degree as I have and I know with absolute certainty he is in NO way qualified to hold it. If he had been caught exposure would have done him no harm at all. When your mommy and daddums hold one of the biggest scholarship bursaries purse strings the faculty are made to look the other way. If a person of more modest means had done anything even remotely close they would have been expelled and evicted from the campus within the week.
I've got 4 kids and I'm torn.
It's getting funny now.
Hillary has a great skill set for mediation, negotiation and has a great strength of personality, I agree completely with this but, there are some potential risks to such a position that need to be addressed.
The middle east is one of the most pressing issues facing any prospective SOS and with Condi being a total blowout and the USA's nearly nonexistent foreign policy credibility there are going to be some serious tests for whoever gets the post.
Sadly, Hillary doesn't have the one thing that may make or break the way the positioning of US interests is seen and or agreed to.
What is it you ask?
Simple, a penis.
Hillary Rodham Clinton has more balls than most men I know but, some sheik in Saudi Arabia, some cheiftain in Afghanistan or some cleric in Iraq will only see a "lowly female" and in that way they are biased in ways that cannot be overcome as simply as it may seem.
These people are culturally retarded. They still cannot see all people as equals as simply proven by the animosity they show each other over matters so truly trivial as to be comedic if they weren't so brutally tragic. I know, people will say that they are only living the way they always have or that their cultrual integrity deoends on the retention of their culture. Screw their culture if it means treating human beings as chattel. Just as an aside, I am not speaking in terms of "all of them" but I a refering to the bias held by more primitive leaders who still follow theological teaching that give men a place of ownwership and superiority as I am a staunch believer in equal rights for all and am fiercely anti-bigotry.
John Kerry, a prior presidential candidate, decorated veteran, experienced diplomat and finally, male.
As ridiculous as it may sound, I truly believe that in order to accomplish peace in our time we are going to have to play to omse of the cavemen and let them negotiate with a person who is of the gender they will listen and speak too.
Makes me also wonder, with all the seriousness of the discussion about this that Barak may be paying back that endorsement and campaigning deal with the dropping of the roll call at the convention.
What do you think?
the times they are a'changin'
Obama won, libs are orgasmic, rethuglitards are apopleptic and the world markets continue to go to shit.
So, we sit and watch and wait for the new PEOTUS to make the last 8 years go away and the new progressive utopia to spring up around our lazy asses.
what? lazy asses??? yup, lazy.
So many of the people I know who NOW claim to be all for the new prez and yet they do.... nothing.
If you are one of the many of us who truly feel change is coming and we need to work hard to make the world a better place every day then all I can say is get up and do something. Anything. Do what you can, learn what you can and make you best effort. The future of the world, the future of our children and the future of our species simply must be worked for.
more later...