My fears of abuse have come true in no small way in that now my ex has been ordered to no longer leave the younger 2 children in her mother's care due to an incident back in October where my 8 year old little boy was physically attacked by that horrible fiend of a woman and repeatedly punched and bounced off a wall. There is no justification for this but according to the children it was done because he had allowed the wind to slam a screen door. Despicable.
I will post more as the issues get sorted but now that I am supposed to be able to see my younger children more my ex has decided to pretend she is in need of stress leave from work and I am again limited to only seeing my kids every other week for 2 days minus the time that is stolen from us for the purposes of attending a ridiculous fairy tale school (church) which they both detest.
Once this is all worked out they will never have to go there again unless they actually want to.
Also, I am in process of posting a podcast with lifelong pal Mike. We have no title, no format and no set date but we have laid down a few hours of audio of us duiscussing the issues of the world and the things we find both interesting and bothersome. It will be available when it's done and if people like it we'll make more (like Doritos).
Back when I can. Be well, be good to each other and above all, treat your children as the treasures they are. They will be adults some day and will need the right guidance and upbringing to be effective and responsible people. Show them the right way to do that by your own example.
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